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In digital age, leaks get harder to hide

Jun 10, 2013
The source of information leaks is getting harder to hide. Can whistleblowers do anything to cover their tracks?

NSA surveillance debate could threaten US-EU trade deal

Jun 10, 2013
The furor over U.S. Internet surveillance could hit transatlantic trade. A senior European lawmaker says the revelations could potentially derail plans for a U.S.-EU free trade deal.

Surveillance of phone and Internet data: the new normal?

Jun 7, 2013
Can consumers really do anything to force Internet and telecommunications companies to fight back against government tracking of personal data?

In NSA surveillance, what choice do companies have?

Jun 7, 2013
New revelations show the federal government’s spying program isn’t contained to just telecommunications giant Verizon.

NSA Internet surveillance confirms privacy concerns

Jun 7, 2013
The National Security agency is tapping the servers of nine large U.S. tech companies, including Google, Apple, Yahoo, and Facebook, according to new reports.

Businesses like Verizon know more about you than you think

Jun 6, 2013
The NSA order for Verizon's customer data highlights how much the private sector knows about their customers, and the restrictions on how they use it.

FBI to announce new wiretap proposal

May 9, 2013
The government wants to wiretap services like Facetime and Skype.

For public good, not for profit.

We're watching you: Surveillance cameras are a hot ticket item, after Boston

Apr 23, 2013
After Boston, surveillance cameras are hot sellers, and it's not just businesses that are buying.

Sifting evidence from video of the Boston Marathon bombings

Apr 16, 2013
How cell phone and surveillance video is gathered and and processed to find clues, and track the perpetrators of the fatal attack in Boston.

A spike in government surveillance, and wine sales on Amazon

Oct 1, 2012
A new report says the U.S. Justice Department allowed law enforcement agencies to examine more private data in 2010-2011 than in the entire previous decade. And Amazon is planning online wine sales.