Spending money saves money, sometimes

Nov 1, 2013
A look at the top 10 things you can save on by comparison shopping.

Calculating the cost of getting kids to college

Jun 14, 2013
Helping your kids to stand out in the eyes a college admissions officer takes a lot -- usually that means a lot of money. But before you spend beaucoup bucks on private tutors and athletic coaching, do a quick cost-benefit analysis of whether those investments will really pay off.

Afraid to spend money: The psychological trauma of long-term unemployment

May 24, 2013
After six years of unemployment, Maria once again has a steady paycheck. She is ready to budget responsibly and save for the future, but how should she factor in spending money on her wants as well as her needs?

Paula Poundstone on the value of Mother's Day

May 10, 2013
According to The National Retail Federation, consumers will spend $20.7 billion on Mother's Day gifts this year, but Paula Poundstone, comedian and mom of three, thinks everyone should save their money.

Is your morning latte a waste of money? (Infographic)

May 10, 2013
Whether it's lottery tickets, bar tabs or lunch dates, we all have something we spend money on that we think we shouldn't. But according to personal finance expert Paula Pant, waste is in the eye of the beholder.

Mindful spending after the recession?

Apr 22, 2013
Chase announces a new initiative meant to encourage personal finance literacy. But what's behind it?

The economics of ghost hunting

Oct 26, 2012
People are spending real money to experience the paranormal.
The Shanley Hotel in Napanoch, N.Y., claims to be haunted by dozens of ghosts. People are spending real money to experience the paranormal.
Daniel Huebbe

For public good, not for profit.

The ultimate safety net: Grandparents

Sep 7, 2012
New surveys show grandparents are providing financial support to grandchildren even when it hurts their retirement savings.

Decisions, decisions, decisions

Sep 7, 2012
We all want to be money smart, but who has time to study all that money lingo? The executive editor of CBSMoneyWatch.com broke down all those tough personal finance decisions in a new book.

Your child, in dollars and cents

Aug 24, 2012
There's no way to estimate the returns on a hug from your son or an afternoon of baking cookies with your brood, but the USDA was able to estimate how much a child takes out of your bank account.