Stories Tagged as
10 years after the Lehman collapse, homeownership barriers spur new rental options
Sep 13, 2018
Property developers around the world are capitalizing on "Generation Rent."
California will be a battleground for the rent control debate this November
Jul 10, 2018
According to a poll, 60 percent of California voters favor limits on how much landlords can charge.
The basic rules of buying a house
David Brancaccio
and Janet Nguyen
Jun 1, 2018
You have to afford more than a mortgage.
Rent or own? The affordability conundrum
Jan 12, 2018
“Comparing whether to buy or rent is really picking the lesser of two affordability evils,” says ATTOM Data Solutions' vice president.
The do's and don'ts of saving money
Molly Wood
and Paulina Velasco
Jun 9, 2017
Also, how can you plan for your dream home?
Half of all U.S. renters are over 40
Dec 11, 2015
Hit hard by the housing crisis, middle aged households are increasingly renting.
Micro-unit apartments: Tiny and booming
Aug 29, 2014
Cities experiment to accommodate the glut of singles and childless couples.
For public good, not for profit.
High rents, low income
Mar 13, 2013
It’s becoming harder, especially in certain cities, for low-income people to find affordable rental housing.
Paradigm change: Young people and home ownership
Jim Burress
Aug 10, 2012
Buying into the American Dream? Renting for life? For younger people, home ownership is less cut-and-dry than it was a generation ago.