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At this factory, the workforce is paid in pennies

Oct 2, 2015
Does prison labor represent unfair competition for private industry?

Why car insurance rates vary wildly by state

Apr 27, 2015
States with lots of lawsuits tend to have higher insurance rates.

How tobacco farms are going organic

Nov 5, 2014
The federal program designed to help tobacco farmers transition from the depression-era quota system to the free market has officially ended.

German vocational training could be coming to the U.S.

Aug 29, 2014
Manufacturing states like North Carolina hope to create similar apprenticeship programs.

North Carolina weighs the future of filming tax breaks

Aug 12, 2014
Some hail state tax breaks for the movie industry, but its future is in doubt.

North Carolina arrests highlight religious debate on poverty

Jul 8, 2013
Supporters of social service cuts and "Moral Monday" protesters both cite the Bible to explain their views on helping the poor.
Scene from a Moral Mondays protest in North Carolina.
yashmori / Creative Commons

Timber industry goes after green LEED certification

May 30, 2013
The timber industry is challenging the sustainable forestry certification of the LEED green-building program state by state.

For public good, not for profit.

Sometimes even banks want to 'walk away' from a home

Feb 22, 2013
In some working-class neighborhoods with cheap housing, the banks actually lose money on a foreclosure. So it’s cheaper to do nothing.

Google search in North Carolina: Jobs

Nov 13, 2012
Struggling N.C. county lures Google facility with incentives. Were they worth it?

A Law Protecting Teachers from Cyber Bullying, and New York City's Hottest Tech Ticket

Sep 19, 2012
North Carolina is taking a hard line against kids who bully teachers online. And every month New York Tech Meetup sells out in just four minutes...and the theater's a big one at NYU. Venture capitalists are here along with engineers, designers, and start ups both theoretical and already online.