Need grows for bilingual lawyers

Aug 8, 2012
Though it remains a tough job market for recent law school graduates, patent fights that involve products made in Asia are driving a need for bilingual attorneys.

History and pedigree do not guarantee survival for Dewey

May 29, 2012
Dewey & LeBoeuf filed for bankruptcy protection last night. In the last half century, large corporate law firms have enjoyed an enormously lucrative run. Although in the last four to five years revenue has flattened out.

Law firm Dewey & LeBoeuf files for bankruptcy

May 29, 2012
Dewey & LeBoeuf, one of the largest law firms in the country, filed for bankruptcy last night after months of financial turmoil and partner defections.

Walmart checking compliance with U.S. bribery law

Apr 25, 2012
Walmart named a former U.S. attorney earlier this year to check compliance with a U.S. bribery law. But is the U.S. law behind the times?

Is the homeowners' association liable in the Trayvon Martin case?

Apr 3, 2012
In cases like the shooting of Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood watch volunteer, it's possible the plaintiffs could add the homeowners' association to an action for its role in setting up the watch.
Trayvon Martin supporters march through the historically African American community of Goldsboro on their way to an NAACP rally in front of the Sanford Police Department on March 31, 2012 in Sanford, Fla.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

Waiters to get $8.5 million back in tips

Apr 3, 2012
A New York banquet hall settles a lawsuit to pay waiters tips it never handed over. It’s the latest and biggest payback for jilted waiters.

Law schools sued by alumni who can't find work

Feb 2, 2012
A group of recent law graduates sues a dozen law schools, saying the institutions misled them about job and salary prospects.

For public good, not for profit.

Mid-day Extra: Laws schools sued over job placement numbers

Feb 2, 2012
A number of law schools across the country are being sued by former students who claim they inflated the numbers on post-graduate job placement.

A law degree and student loans

Dec 28, 2011
I have both private and federal student loans from undergrad and law school... I was wondering if you have any advice as to how best to manage this debt? I'm 28 and single so my financial obligations are otherwise relatively minimal for now, but due to my debt-to-income ratio, I've been unable to really lay away much in the way of personal savings in the 3+ years I've been out of school, let alone start saving for retirement. I'd really appreciate any advice you might be able to give to someone in my situation. Thank you! Kira, New York, NY

As tuition rises, value of law degrees is questioned

Dec 22, 2011
A report on the high cost of law school, which many students borrow to cover, suggests schools should provide information on how their graduates fare in the work world.