Stories Tagged as
Labor market
Strong, stable labor market may signal new normal to Federal Reserve
Mar 21, 2024
Unemployment claims fell last week. Despite relatively high interest rates, they're below pre-pandemic levels and near historic lows.
Recent immigrants have filled labor gaps, boosted job creation, experts say
Mar 15, 2024
There has been a wave of migration to the U.S. — legal and not — since 2022. Many who entered are finding and keeping jobs.
Signs point to a labor market that's cooling, but not cold
Mar 6, 2024
Private employers added 140,000 jobs in February and January’s job openings didn’t budge — though they were down from mid-2023.
Labor costs are still going up, but the rate is going down
Henry Epp
Feb 1, 2024
Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that 2023 saw a pullback in labor cost growth. That may keep the downtrend in inflation going.
How expensive fast food can explain rising economic equality
Kai Ryssdal
and Sarah Leeson
Jan 17, 2024
Fast food workers' wages are up as much as 30% since 2020. That has had real costs for businesses, but real benefits for society.
It's been 4 years since the pandemic began. Here's what the new normal looks like.
Jan 4, 2024
Even if we're back to statistical "norms," remote employment, widespread freelancing and worker activism have changed the landscape.
Unemployment claims are at their lowest number since January
Sep 21, 2023
The labor market is still pretty tight, even after the last year and a half of rate hikes loosened things a bit.
For public good, not for profit.
Labor market weakens for young, less educated workers
Sep 8, 2023
What that might mean for them and for the economy at large.
Women's role in labor force continued to grow in August. Is the trend sustainable?
Sep 4, 2023
The growth was largely driven by working mothers. Flexible and remote jobs help, but the expiration of child care relief funds may hurt.
Name mix-ups and callous HR directors: Employees share how they got laid off
Janet Nguyen
Nov 16, 2022
With tech companies announcing staffing cuts, you shared some of your own experiences surviving layoffs.