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The money illusion

Mar 16, 2012
Professor Stephen J. Rose says it's not about how much things cost, but how much they cost relatively.
Professor Stephen Rose says we shouldn't be focusing on the price of things as much as the prices relative to how much we make.
STR/AFP/Getty Images

Should speculators be blamed for high gas prices?

Mar 1, 2012
With gas prices rising at an unusual time of year, many are blaming speculators. Others believe refiners are worried about tensions with Iran, and are using a hedging strategy.

What to fear more: Inflation vs. deflation

Jan 30, 2012
The news that Americans are saving more is a mixed blessing, and could also increase our risk of deflation.

What low inflation means for the economy

Dec 30, 2011
Low interest rates and low inflation will help play into policy decisions, such as the future of the Federal Reserve.

Getting Personal: A look back over a long, hard year

Dec 23, 2011
A rare treat for listeners! Tess discusses the ins and outs of 2011 with all four of our regulars, Chris Farrell, Kathy Kristof, David Lazarus and Liz Weston.

What's on the menu for next year?

Dec 21, 2011
Tess talks with David Lazarus, Kathy Kristof, Liz Weston and Chris Farrell about what we might be able to expect in 2012.

North Korea will go about 'business as usual'

Dec 19, 2011
With inflation soaring, the last few years have been particularly difficult for the North Korean people, and that isn't likely to change right away

For public good, not for profit.

Calculating food and gas prices in consumers' attitudes

Dec 16, 2011
The Core Consumer Price Index tracks all kinds of spending except on food and gas, even though those prices help indicate consumers' choices and attitudes.
ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images

Inflation hits residential rents hard

Nov 16, 2011
Inflation isn't causing most Americans a problem at this point, but the prices of rental homes and apartments has risen in recent months.