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How tax withholding became the norm for American workers

Jul 31, 2017
Not everyone thinks automatic deductions for state and federal taxes are a good idea.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Voters head to the polls in Britain today

May 7, 2015
What impact does the economy has on the outcome of this day?

Winner takes all (minus the taxes)

Apr 14, 2015
As luck would have it

Not all taxes are created equal

Jan 14, 2015
A new study says local taxes are hitting low-wage earners much harder than others.

Early bird alert! You can file your taxes starting today!

Jan 31, 2014
Plus, 10 simple reasons to file your taxes early.

Yes, the rich pay more tax; their income is up, too

Mar 4, 2013
The latest income tax increase on the wealthy could result in their paying a greater share of income in federal taxes since 1979. Their income has increased even more.

A brief history of the income tax

Feb 1, 2013
The modern American income tax celebrates its 100th anniversary this weekend.

For public good, not for profit.

In defense of the income tax, a history

Nov 19, 2012
It took a natural disaster and a financial panic to get income taxes written into the U.S. Constitution. That was 1907. And even those who like public programs are still struggling to defend taxes.

Would an income tax hike hurt hiring?

Jul 11, 2012
Fewer than a million small-business owners would likely face higher taxes. And some would keep hiring anyway.

Tax rates hit historic low in 2009

Jul 11, 2012
A new report from the Congressional Budget Office says the tax rates paid by most Americans were at near-record lows in 2009. Who's paying less, who's paying more, and what's causing the change?