U.K. McDonald's seeking McWorkers

Aug 6, 2008
Despite critics of fast food, McDonald's is doing surprisingly well in England. So the company is looking to add 4,000 new workers to its staff. But Stephen Beard report "McJobs" still have a nefarious reputation.

Get ready for the Almost-a-Dollar menu

Aug 4, 2008
The down economy has consumers turning to fast food to cut costs, but rising commodity prices mean places with Dollar Menus like McDonald's may have to consider some inflation of their own. Rico Gagliano reports.

Fast food takes off during tough times

Jul 30, 2008
As the economy slides down, burgers sales start sizzling. Jeremy Hobson reports as a part of an ongoing series of unusual economic indicators.

LA to fast food: Not so fast

Jul 30, 2008
The Los Angeles City Council has passed a year-long ban on new fast food chains going into South Los Angeles, one of the city's most obese neighborhoods. But not everyone is happy about the ordinance. Renita Jablonski has more.

Pacific salmon supply drying up

Jul 29, 2008
Salmon fisheries in the Pacific Northwest are in serious trouble and dwindling supply means fish markets and restaurants are scrambling to find an alternative for their customers. Mitchell Hartman reports.

Kraft keeps cooking in hard times

Jul 28, 2008
As the economy drives consumers to eat more meals at home, food giant Kraft is in a position to profit. Even with higher costs, it's second-quarter results showed its bottom line got fatter. Steve Henn reports.

Local growers help companies cut costs

Jul 28, 2008
Buying locally grown food is good PR for companies. But it turns out that, with rising diesel prices, there's a lot more to gain than a good reputation. Alisa Roth reports.

For public good, not for profit.

More families turning to food banks

Jul 25, 2008
Host Tess Vigeland introduces us to Elaine, just one of the many people pushed from financial security to barely getting by by tough economic times.
Shelves at the Friends in Need Food Shelf in St. Paul Park, Minn.
Sean Cole / Marketplace

Europe considers cloned food

Jul 24, 2008
Food regulators from the European Union are raising concerns this morning about the safety of cloned animal products. Bob Moon talks to Stephen Beard in London about why European consumers are so fussy about cloned food.

Food companies to feed us higher costs

Jul 21, 2008
Sara Lee, Tyson, Kraft and other name-brand food companies are hiking prices on everyday products from cheese to cold cuts. Jeff Tyler reports on how this will hit Americans in the gut.