Former Treasury official: AIG no longer 'too big to fail'

Sep 10, 2012
The former Chief Restructuring Officer at the U.S. Department of the Treasury says the government could end up making $20 billion on the AIG bailout
Former Chief Restructuring Officer Jim Millstein prepares to testify before a Congressional Oversight Panel in February 25, 2010. Millstein, who oversaw the restructuring of insurance giant AIG, now says the bailout could net the U.S. $20 billion in profit.
Ann Heisenfelt/Getty Images

Citigroup settles shareholder lawsuit for almost $600 million

Aug 30, 2012
Four years after the financial crisis, it's like the chickens of 2007 and 2008 are finally coming home to roost.

Manos the Greek on funny side of economic crisis

Jun 25, 2012
Greece's lenders had planned a visit to the country today, but wouldn't you know it: the brand new finance minister's been fainting and sick to his stomach. If Greece weren't so sad, it'd be funny; maybe it's still funny -- at least one guy thinks so.

The future of Greece, and other financial crises

Jun 19, 2012
A conversation with Neel Kashkari, the former head of TARP and now head analyst with PIMCO, on what Europe can learn from the U.S.'s own financial storm.

Why disclosure wasn't enough to stop JPMorgan losses

May 22, 2012
After the financial crisis of 2008, regulators focused on the idea of disclosure to prevent further problems in the financial industry. But what happens when the bank itself doesn't know how bad things are?

Stockton on the brink

May 18, 2012
The city of Stockton, Calif. has been hit hard by the financial crisis. With the city on the verge of bankruptcy, residents share what it's like when your town is teetering on the brink.

Shooting for the stars, learning to manage debt

Mar 21, 2012
A Seattle family learns the hard way how to manage its finances.
Karawynn Long and Jak Koke had a moment of clarity, when a mountain of credit card debt nearly tipped them over the edge. The Seattle couple is flanked here by daughters Claire and Michaela.
Matthew Ryan Williams for The New York Times

For public good, not for profit.

Nailing a comeback

Mar 21, 2012
Connecticut contractor Peter Schneider is surviving the recession thanks to his hard-won skills, hard-working attitude, and a little bit of luck.

Former PM of Iceland faces charges over financial crisis

Mar 5, 2012
Iceland suffered a total financial collapse back in 2008. Today, the country's former prime minister goes on trial for his role in it.

Iceland's former prime minister goes on trial

Mar 5, 2012
One of the first places to be hit hard by the 2008 financial crisis was Iceland. The country's three main banks collapsed, ushering in hard times for the island nation, and sending monetary shockwaves across Europe.