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Hackers aim to learn from Sony attack

Dec 19, 2014
U.S. officially blames North Korea, as hackers examine what can be learned

Is it a news article or malware?

Nov 3, 2014
The FBI buried malware using an article link. But did they cross the line?

Hot lead is starting to cool

Nov 7, 2013
Gun sales are on the decline, but why?

Silk Road hits a big bump along the way

Oct 3, 2013
The FBI has shut down Silk Road, the online anonymous black market.

Even the NSA gets a Verizon bill with some surprise charges

Jul 10, 2013
The NSA may have been wiretapping cell phones, but they weren't getting that data for free.

FBI requests 'Portlandia' clip for training

Jun 24, 2013
The FBI has asked IFC sketch comedy show 'Portlandia' for rights to use a clip from the program in its advanced intelligence training classes.

What's the point of a drone debate if the FBI already uses them?

Jun 20, 2013
FBI Director Robert Mueller says the FBI uses drones domestically, though rarely. He is calling for more discussion on drone use, while the FBI proceeds.

For public good, not for profit.

In NSA surveillance, what choice do companies have?

Jun 7, 2013
New revelations show the federal government’s spying program isn’t contained to just telecommunications giant Verizon.

NSA Internet surveillance confirms privacy concerns

Jun 7, 2013
The National Security agency is tapping the servers of nine large U.S. tech companies, including Google, Apple, Yahoo, and Facebook, according to new reports.

FBI to announce new wiretap proposal

May 9, 2013
The government wants to wiretap services like Facetime and Skype.