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Would a new farm bill save money?

Sep 17, 2012
Only if crop prices stay high, according to a recent economic study.

With historic drought, farm profits soar

Aug 29, 2012
Despite, or perhaps because of, the Midwest drought, farmers are projected to make serious profits. But individual farmers will experience very different results.

Saving the catfish economy amid U.S. drought

Aug 15, 2012
Catfish farmer Townsend Kyser discusses what the USDA's purchase of meat to help livestock producers hit by the drought will do for him and other farmers.

Drought could push farmers to ditch the till

Jul 26, 2012
Many farmers in Tennessee tend their fields without tills to cut down on erosion, but they've found that their method also helps conserve water during droughts.

Outside of drought areas, farmers predict strong year

Jul 24, 2012
Farmers who've escaped the drought are pulling in high prices for their crops.

In a drought, even irrigation isn't a savior

Jul 19, 2012
Farmers in dry areas who rely on irrigation start off better in a drought than farmers who count on rain. But when water tables fall, irrigation starts to shut down.

How the heat wave could impact the U.S. economy

Jul 9, 2012
Temperatures may finally be cooling off, but hot temperatures and corresponding droughts are hurting farmers -- and that could trickle down to your own wallet soon.

For public good, not for profit.

As temperatures fall, farmers still worried about crops

Jul 9, 2012
The heat wave is cooling off. But in parts of the Midwest, that is little consolation to farmers whose crops have been badly damaged by the heat, as well as a drought that's being called the worst in decades.

Large farms may have to pay more to insure crops

Jul 5, 2012
The Senate's version of the Farm Bill eliminates some key funding for farmers, especially those who make more than $750,000 a year.

So you want to be a farmer...

Jul 3, 2012
Thanks to a commodity boom and advanced computer technology, farming is a pretty big business these days -- for some.
Thanks to a commodity boom and advanced computer technology, farming is a pretty big business these days -- for some.
Scott Olson/Getty Images