Fair Trade certification comes to U.S. seafood

Apr 17, 2017
The organization considers fishermen's working conditions when allowing its label on products.
The premium price that comes with the Fair Trade label could help ease costs for scallop fishers.

U.S. companies are hopeful but wary about trade under Trump

Feb 27, 2017
President Donald Trump’s administration promises a very different trade approach than its predecessors. Trump and his team have criticized trade deals involving multiple countries, preferring to work with countries one-on-one. It appears multilateral deals are out and bilateral deals are in. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

Growth of fair trade brings benefits for artisans

Feb 18, 2015
Big American retailers are looking to sell more traditional, hand-made items.

Study: Fairtrade doesn't always yield highest wages

May 26, 2014
A UK report says coffee grown under Fairtrade conventions doesn't always yield the highest wages for farmers.

Does fair trade clothing help the consumer and the retailer?

May 9, 2013
Following another tragic fire at a Bangladesh clothing factory, retailers are now ceding to consumer demand and putting the exact origins of their products on the label. But will this “fair trade” practice hurt the bottom line? And will those same consumers actually buy the more expensive fair trade products, or reach for the cheaper item on the next rack?