Etsy's CEO wore all Etsy for the first day of trading

Apr 16, 2015
The crafty commerce site ended the day at $30 a share.

A hand-crafted IPO

Apr 16, 2015
Etsy's IPO opens big.
Employees and sellers of the online marketplace Etsy, stand with the CFO Kristina Salen on the floor of the Nasdaq as the company becomes a public company on April 16, 2015 in New York City.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

A crafty IPO

Apr 13, 2015
Etsy plans to target small investors and keep big ones at a minimum.

Dollar signs on the doilies

Mar 5, 2015
Etsy's scaling up, but how does that sit with its socially-minded users?

Etsy goes public, hoping to remain 'authentic'

Mar 5, 2015
Some have grumbled the company already sold out by allowing manufactured goods.

Anou, the accessible Etsy of Morocco

Jan 19, 2015
New website launched in Morocco helps rural artisans set their wares.

Teachers' needs drive a growing online marketplace

Dec 12, 2014
Teachers spend their own money on supplies, but now they're buying from each other

For public good, not for profit.

Why Etsy is against internet 'fast lanes'

May 12, 2014
Tech and venture firms ask FCC to reconsider affirming net neutrality.
Handmade booties from Lisa Williams' Etsy store, She's So Crafty Goods.
Courtesy of Lisa Williams