Stories Tagged as
Crude oil
Oil workers say their pay was stolen before the bust
Mar 8, 2016
New lawsuits claim companies didn't pay earned wages and overtime.
Right now Brent crude is cheaper than the barrel it comes in
Tony Wagner
Jan 19, 2016
It's also cheaper than a keg of beer, an HDMI cable, a hoodie...
Finally, a ship loaded with U.S. crude leaves port
Scott Tong
Jan 4, 2016
Oil producers like having an overseas market, but the economics are against a large volume of exports.
Crude oil is kind of like craft beer
Adriene Hill
and Scott Tong
Dec 29, 2015
The American price of crude oil has finally caught up to the rest of the world.
Crude oil smells bad and could kill you
Kai Ryssdal
and Robert Garrova
Nov 4, 2015
Bloomberg's Tracy Alloway on her harrowing quest to buy a barrel of crude oil.
Oklahoma oil hub on quake alert
Scott Tong
Oct 15, 2015
Earthquakes could threaten the U.S.'s most important storage site for crude oil.
Oil prices up, but Iran is in way of going much higher
Scott Tong
Oct 8, 2015
If U.S. production falls, Iran is ready to export more.
For public good, not for profit.
Push to lift ban on crude oil exports gains steam
Sep 29, 2015
The ban has been in place for four decades.
Five guys bet on the price of oil in 2015
Scott Tong
Sep 11, 2015
The cost has dropped so low that none of them are close.
Why gas prices are likely to keep falling
Andy Uhler
Sep 4, 2015
Even if crude oil prices rise, the end of summer reduces demand for gas.