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Summer movies are a bust at the domestic box office

Jul 7, 2017
It's not just you — films are really bad this season.

The economics of a blockbuster

Feb 15, 2016
More tentpoles are pitched in studios, leaving smaller films in the dark.
Kung Fu Panda 3 has hauled in millions worldwide. 

Netflix goes global. Will it pay off?

Jul 23, 2014
Netflix will expand into Europe this fall, but the move could be expensive.

Maybe video stores aren't dead after all

Feb 26, 2014
Not everyone is binge-streaming "House of Cards."

Closing credits roll on Blockbuster, but why did it take so long?

Nov 8, 2013
Blockbuster's parent company said this week it will be shutting down its last remaining retail locations. But why do companies like Blockbuster hang on for so long?

Bye Bye, Blockbuster

Nov 6, 2013
Video rental chain Blockbuster is an endangered species. But now, it's getting even closer to extinction.

For public good, not for profit.

Movie studios diversify summer line-ups

Jun 7, 2012
It’s summer movie season which means it’s the time for big-budget, action-adventures. But summer can also spell success for movies that ignore the desires of teenage boys.

Warner Bros. stops doing Blockbuster any favors

Oct 27, 2011
If you can still find an open Blockbuster store somewhere (it's a little like Sasquatch, some people swear they've spotted one but the scientific...

Dish Network and Hulu: What are you up to?

Sep 27, 2011
I think we need a new category for stories here. Maybe a new segment on the radio. It's called "What are you up to?" We use it for stories about...