'Admission' vs 'Observation': Medical worlds apart

Dec 6, 2013
Instead of admitting Medicare patients quickly, hospitals are "observing" them for as long as two days.

How post-ACA health care is like the airline business

Dec 5, 2013
The question for hospital executives in Camden, N.J., and around the country, is how to manage a new wave of patients.

Healthcare.gov's next hurdle: Fixing the part you don't see

Dec 2, 2013
What are the technical challenges in fixing the back end of healthcare.gov?

Another Obamacare delay, this time for small business

Nov 27, 2013
December 1 is a big day for the Obama administration's implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

White House changes course on the word 'Obamacare'

Nov 21, 2013
Many would say that the unveiling of Obamacare has been one of the worst product launches in history.

As goes California, so goes Obamacare?

Nov 21, 2013
California's marketplace is set to decide whether Californians may keep their old insurance policies.

Weighing the risks of going without health insurance

Nov 19, 2013
For many people, complying with the new health care law will become a financial decision.

For public good, not for profit.

Obamacare's next possible nightmare: Privacy issues

Nov 19, 2013
The security implications for the botched ACA exchange rollout.

Walmart's Obamacare news: The latest corporate excuse?

Nov 18, 2013
Walmart has signaled that the ACA requirement that most Americans either carry insurance or pay a penalty could hurt sales.

Adjusting to the new contours of the ACA

Nov 15, 2013
Health insurers have spent millions retooling their business plan in order to function under the ACA.