What kind of job market are college students graduating into?

(U.S. Edition) President Trump is expected to sign a bill that would ease some of the rules imposed on banks after the last financial crisis. But will this be that radical of a decision? Erik Gordon, a professor at the University of Michigan, explains why he thinks most of us aren't going to notice the changes. Afterwards, we'll look at how the job market is for recent college graduates as part of our "Divided Decade" series, which examines how America has changed since the financial crisis. (05/23/2018)
(U.S. Edition) President Trump is expected to sign a bill that would ease some of the rules imposed on banks after the last financial crisis. But will this be that radical of a decision? Erik Gordon, a professor at the University of Michigan, explains why he thinks most of us aren’t going to notice the changes. Afterwards, we’ll look at how the job market is for recent college graduates as part of our “Divided Decade” series, which examines how America has changed since the financial crisis. (05/23/2018)