Sabri Ben-Achour

Correspondent & Host

Latest Stories (620)

Why gay bars are closing — and what's taking their place

LGBTQ+ gatherings at less traditional venues are changing what queer nightlife can look like, professor Amin Ghaziani explains.
"Gay bars are an absolutely important part of nightlife, but they're not the sum total of [gay] nightlife," said author and professor Amin Ghaziani.
Yana Paskova/Getty Images

Campaign donors hope money makes the difference in hotly contested states

Federal campaigns get much of the spotlight, but state and local races can be as consequential for residents' lives. Funders know that.
Millions of dollars are being spent to sway voters on state-level ballot initiatives.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

How the Federal Reserve's inflation fight today compares with the '70s and '80s

Decades ago, the Fed was battling double-digit inflation, and Chair Paul Volcker took aggressive action that drove interest rates way up.
As Fed chair, Paul Volcker aggressively fought raging inflation, driving interest rates far higher than they are today. Above, Volcker in 2005.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

The case for reining in the perks of corporate bankruptcy

Melissa Jacoby's new book argues that Chapter 11 has become a catch-all for corporations to get out of troubles beyond their debts.
FuzzMartin/Getty Images

Bazooka Candy's CEO on the brand's sweet athlete investment deal

DK Metcalf of the Seattle Seahawks may soon be coming to Bazookaverse comics.
Following Bazooka Candy Brands' acquisition by private equity Apax Partners in October 2023, the candy maker received an infusion of cash from major athletes.
Via Tsuji/Flickr

Why the European Central Bank is cutting interest rates now

Jun 6, 2024
Inflation has eased in Europe as prices fall for electricity and other items that were affected by supply shortages from the Ukraine war.
Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank. Energy prices, lifted by supply shortages caused by Russia's war in Ukraine, played a big role in inflation on the Continent.
Kirill Kudryavtsev/AFP via Getty Images

How the paper "wealth effect" influences real-life spending

Jun 5, 2024
Consumers enjoying a buoyant stock market and high house prices may feel inclined to spend more, but how much more is uncertain.
Paper wealth pumps you up, according to the wealth effect. If you feel good financially, you'll spend more, regardless of how much actual money you have.
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Fed steers interest rates on path toward "neutral"

Jun 3, 2024
The central bank seeks the right rate for controlling inflation while promoting economic growth. It's a moving target.
The interest rate we'd have in "normal" times is called the neutral rate. But it's an elusive, theoretical idea that changes with economic conditions. Above, Fed Chair Jerome Powell.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

How Israel's economy is faring eight months into war with Hamas

Despite a contraction after the initial onset of the war, Israel's economy has rebounded dramatically.
One flashpoint raised by the Israel-Hamas War has been the continued exemption of ultraorthodox Jews from military service.
Maja Hitij/Getty Images
Above, a Palestinian boy kicks a ball in front of the rubble from a house destroyed in heavy fighting in the West Bank city of Jenin on May 24.
Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP via Getty Images