Richard Core

Latest Stories (105)

What's your opinion on the bailout?

Sep 19, 2008
We've been hearing a lot from the bureaucrats, politicians and pundits about the U.S. government's plan to restore confidence in the financial...

What's your opinion on the bailout?

Sep 19, 2008
We've been hearing a lot from the bureaucrats, politicians and pundits about the U.S. government's plan to restore confidence in the financial...

Google unveils new browser

Sep 2, 2008
Google's debut of its open-source Chrome browser today is a hot topic on the Web....

California lawmakers push for carbon-reduction planning

Sep 2, 2008
When you live in Los Angeles like we do, you quickly learn that the reason public transportation isn't a viable option for much of the population...

Scientists develop cells that could be disease fighters

Aug 27, 2008
Scientists say they have caused one type of cell to become another -- with no intermediate step using controversial stem cells -- which could have...

Want to invest in rock 'n' roll?

Aug 27, 2008
With all the problems the music industry is having, artists and entrepreneurs are looking for new business models....

Dell to offer low-cost computers to emerging markets

Aug 27, 2008
With sales of PC laptops and desktops slowing in the United States, Dell is making a push for markets in growing economies around the world with a...

Fewer textbooks to carry with Kindle?

Aug 25, 2008
The ARS Technica website has a report that Amazon may enter the college textbook market with a new version of its Kindle electronic reading device....

Colleges dropping food trays

Aug 25, 2008
Several hundred colleges have either stopped using trays in their cafeterias or plan to soon, according to an Associated Press report. By serving...

High-speed Net service hits slowdown

Aug 12, 2008
Wired's "Epicenter" blog has an item based on reports out this week that say Americans' adoption of broadband service hit a seven-year low last...