From This Collection

A robot for every job

Feb 18, 2013
How one little robot named Baxter could take over the last of America's manufacturing jobs.

Robots across America

Mar 30, 2012
Marketplace's David Brancaccio and his robot dog Wilson drive coast to coast without as much as a "hello" to fellow humans.

Robots and people can all get along

Mar 30, 2012
When technology is married with high-skilled jobs, the result can fundamentally change things for the better.

Robots lose out in hospitality

Mar 30, 2012
If there's one industry where robots have tried and failed so far, it's hospitality -- seems humans prefer humans for hotel customer service.

The future of... cupcakes?

Mar 30, 2012
Sprinkles Cupcakes installs a robotic cupcake ATM.

Robots get personal

Mar 29, 2012
Even creative work -- like journalism -- is up for robotization.

For public good, not for profit.

Robots: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em

Mar 29, 2012
A robot technician at the Toyota Motor Manufacturing Plant in southern Indiana talks about working with technology, not against it.

Robots Ate My Road Trip--Day 5

Mar 29, 2012
David Brancaccio continues his journey across the United States only interacting with machines--at least today some of them were pretty fun.

Robots and the hourglass economy

Mar 28, 2012
Technology is -- by some economists' accounts -- causing a hollowing out of middle income jobs.