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Keep the change: The psychology of tipping

Mar 21, 2014
To tip or not to tip? Starbucks is trying to make that decision as easy as a text message.

The conversation of gentrification

Mar 21, 2014
Gentrification is happening in neighborhoods all around the country.

A raise in minimum wage

Mar 21, 2014
What the minimum wage means for individuals and small businesses

How have you lived gentrification?

This week on the show, Marketplace Money will be tackling gentrification. Tell us about your experience!

How many stars? Affordable Care Act user reviews

Mar 14, 2014
The March 31 enrollment deadline to sign up for Affordable Care Act benefits is about two weeks away. And this is the big one. Get covered, or start paying a penalty.
Certified Enrollment Specialist, Yanelis Diaz, waits on the HealthCare.gov website that reads, 'HealthCare.gov has a lot of visitors right now!' as she helps people through the options available to them under the Affordable Care Act at a Miami Enrollment Assistance Center on December 23, 2013 in Miami, Florida. 
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Rent versus buy: How did you choose your home?

Mar 11, 2014
What was your experience buying or renting your home?

What partying taught Andrew W.K. about money

Mar 7, 2014
"Money spent on getting wasted is never wasted."

For public good, not for profit.

Why buy? Memories of a music consumer

Mar 7, 2014
Earlier this year, Billboard reported the first drop in digital music sales since the iTunes store made its debut in 2003. CD sales continued their steady decline and overall album sales experienced an 8.4% drop.
100 Cassette-only releases from the 80's and 90's interned in a wood case
Marc Arsenault/flicr Creative Commons

Minorities have a harder time networking

Mar 7, 2014
In a world where networking can make a career, race plays a big role.

The costs behind winter blues

Feb 28, 2014
Snow, rain, wind, and ice are across the U.S. this year in one of the more dreadful winters on record. With unexpected weather comes unexpected costs.