Women stay in jobs longer than they should

Jul 17, 2013
Women can feel more loyalty to companies, and more guilt when they leave. But staying with one job for too long could cost you a lot of money.

American author takes aim at Chinese concept of 'Leftover Women'

Jul 10, 2013
American Joy Chen's book 'Do Not Marry Before Age 30' has become a hit in China, where traditional society labels unmarried women in their late 20s 'leftover women.'

Mothers are breadwinners in record 40% of U.S. households: Study

May 29, 2013
A new report from Pew shows that moms are now the primary breadwinnner in 40% of U.S. households, but not all super-moms are created equal.

Preserving fertility for the low price of $50,000

May 23, 2013
For one woman, $50,000 on a new technology to freeze her eggs was worth the expense.

Turning the world on with her smile: A look at 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show'

May 6, 2013
In her new book, Jennifer Keishin Armstrong takes a look at Mary Richards and the rest of the gang from the WJM newsroom and the real-life people behind the "Mary Tyler Moore Show."

A history of Take our Daughters to Work — and why it now includes sons

Apr 25, 2013
Now that women make up half the American workforce, is Take Our Daughters To Work Day still relevant?
President Barack Obama, daughters Malia (R) and Sasha sing 'Happy Birthday' to First Lady Michelle Obama as they arrive to take part in a community service project at Stuart Hobson Middle School in celebration of the Martin Luther King, Jr. day of service in Washington, DC, on January 17, 2011.

For public good, not for profit.

Opening up the tech world to women

Mar 8, 2013
Jessica Lawrence, director of NY Tech Meet Up, shares her views on the tech community in New York and whether or not the tech world is a boy's club.

Roberta Williams: The mother of computer video games

Mar 6, 2013
Complaints are rife that the video game industry treats female employees and female players as outsiders or worse. But it wasn't always that way.