Unemployment workers face layoffs

Aug 7, 2012
As more people find work where there are jobs to be found, fewer workers are needed in state unemployment offices.

Obama adviser Alan Krueger on July's jobs report

Aug 3, 2012
Alan Krueger, chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers, discusses what President Obama can do to create more jobs.

Unemployment ticks up to 8.3%, with 163,000 jobs added

Aug 3, 2012
The July jobs report from the Labor Department is out. Last month, unemployment rose from 8.2 to 8.3 percent, while 163,000 jobs were added -- the most in five months.

How Europe watches American unemployment

Aug 3, 2012
Today the world is watching us here in the U.S. The Labor Department is about to tell us how many jobs were created in the U.S. last month and what the new unemployment rate is. It's seen as a key indicator for the health of the U.S. economy, which is still the largest in the world.

Awaiting the July jobs report

Aug 3, 2012
In just a couple hours we'll get the most important economic numbers of the month. The Labor Department will tell us how many jobs were created in the U.S. in July, and what the new unemployment rate is.

Small business creating few jobs

Jul 20, 2012
Small businesses find it harder to get credit, so they create fewer jobs.

Finding new work difficult for older workers

Jul 13, 2012
Finding a new job in this economy is hard for everyone, particularly for those above 55. It takes more effort, sacrifice and a little bit of creativity.

For public good, not for profit.

To my dissatisfied daughter

Jul 13, 2012
A frustrated mother sends her teenager daughter a letter, explaining how she and her father are still trying to provide for the family while they are both unemployed.

Weekly unemployment dip due to auto industry

Jul 12, 2012
This morning the Labor Department reported the number of people applying for unemployment benefits fell by 26,000 last week to 350,000, the best number since March of 2008. Analysts point to the auto industry's seasonal production schedule as the source of the weekly dip.

Why more teens are finding summer jobs

Jul 12, 2012
Employers are hiring more teens for summer jobs than in past years, possibly because older workers who were desperate for any work are finding better jobs themselves.