Stories Tagged as
Fewer people are leaving their jobs. What's that mean for the economy?
Jun 1, 2023
The Job Openings and Labor Turnover report for April showed that the quits rate has dropped back to average levels in 2019.
Are workers better off in a "workers economy"?
Kai Ryssdal
and Minju Park
Dec 16, 2021
Many workers are quitting their jobs during the pandemic, but are they improving their financial situations after they leave?
U.S. firms dealing with high CEO turnover
Feb 13, 2020
Executives are navigating new technologies, new competitors, fallout from the trade war and a scramble for talent with low unemployment.
China's post-Lunar New Year job exodus
Jennifer Pak
Mar 28, 2018
The two months after the holiday are traditionally "jobs season."