Michael Dell on taking Dell private and moving beyond PCs

Mar 11, 2013
Michael Dell, Chairman and CEO of computer and computer services giant Dell shares his thoughts on the future of PCs and how Dell fits into an age of mobile and cloud computing.

Opening up the tech world to women

Mar 8, 2013
Jessica Lawrence, director of NY Tech Meet Up, shares her views on the tech community in New York and whether or not the tech world is a boy's club.

At South by Southwest, techies are the new rock stars

Mar 8, 2013
What was first known as an indie music gathering and then a music and film festival, starts out this year as very much an interactive, startup, new media hotspot.

Facebook experiments with free Wi-Fi, for a price

Mar 7, 2013
The social network has started offering free Internet in a few places. The catch? It makes it easier for advertisers to find you.

Rachel Haot: New York City's digital commander-in-chief

Mar 7, 2013
New York City's Chief Digital Officer, Rachel Haot, began in the city's startup world and rose to prominence quickly. Now, as member of Mayor Bloomberg's administration, she advocates for more private-public collaboration to make the city a tech mecca that rivals Silicon Valley.

Roberta Williams: The mother of computer video games

Mar 6, 2013
Complaints are rife that the video game industry treats female employees and female players as outsiders or worse. But it wasn't always that way.

#1reasonwhy: Women gamers speak out

Mar 5, 2013
Female video game developers and enthusiasts share their reason for loving the game and why they don't always feel included.

For public good, not for profit.

A status update on women in tech

Mar 4, 2013
How does tech compare to other industries when it comes to female employment, equal pay, and cultural attitude?

Sequester: Federal R&D to suffer long-term effects

Mar 1, 2013
The sequester may have immediate impacts on federal workers, the unemployed, and federal aviation personnel -- but what will be its long-term effects?

Six strikes, then what? A look into the new Copyright Alert System

Mar 1, 2013
What happens when you reach 'strike six' of the new Copyright Alert System, a program launched by several Internet service providers to curb online piracy?