Sprint gets the iPhone

Oct 5, 2011
Everybody said it was a slam dunk, but there was no mention of Sprint in the iPhone announcements yesterday. Sprint has confirmed, however, that it...

Sprint is betting big on iPhone

Oct 4, 2011
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that George Harrison, er, Sprint, is committing to buy 30.5 million iPhones over the next four years. That...

The Disappearance of Unlimited Data: Chapter 323

Sep 22, 2011
We all knew this was coming. Engadget is reporting that Sprint, the only major carrier with truly unlimited data plans, is about to cap data on ...

El Cinco machines fired up and pumping out units

Sep 8, 2011
(We call the imminent iPhone 5 "El Cinco" around these parts because it enhances the air of mystery surrounding the product). All Things D reports...

Sprint makes its distaste of the AT&T - T-Mobile merger official

Sep 7, 2011
Tuesday, the George Harrison of wireless carriers, Sprint, filed a lawsuit to stop the John Lennon of carriers, AT&T, from buying the Ringo of...

iPhone is coming to Sprint

Aug 24, 2011
Although to careful memo readers, this shouldn't come as a surprise given yesterday's news about the iPhone 5 being built to run on all networks....

For public good, not for profit.

El Cinco to be a World Phone

Aug 23, 2011
Reports on TechCrunch say that the impending iPhone 5 will run on both GSM and CDMA networks. CDMA is the standard for Verizon and Sprint, GSM runs...

Sprint may be ending the unlimited data party

Jul 20, 2011
Dan Hesse, the CEO of Sprint (the George Harrison of wireless carriers) says he doesn't know how much longer Sprint can afford to offer unlimited...

RIP: Verizon's unlimited data package

Jul 6, 2011
If you want to get on Verizon, make sure you do it today or tomorrow. After tomorrow, Verizon will officially moved to tiered data plans. You'll b...