It's a Facebook scares the daylights out of you triple shot!

Oct 12, 2010
On tomorrow's show we're talking about the new Facebook groups. You can make one, you can add friends to it without getting their permission first...

Deleted photos on Facebook aren't really deleted

Oct 12, 2010
Ars Technica first wrote about this story a year ago and the problem hasn't really gone away so they've written about it again. At issue: what...

Eric Schmidt is on Facebook even though he's not

Oct 11, 2010
Facebook prides itself on getting each user to have only one account, with their real name, that really reflects who they really are. Tech Crunch...

Justin Bieber dropped from Facebook

Oct 8, 2010
But it's a different Justin Bieber. A guy with the same name as the teen pop star says he has had his Facebook account deleted without warning or...

Facebook Groups tripped up by the old opt-out problem

Oct 8, 2010
So we know Facebook set up this new thing where you can make groups and sort your friends into those groups. The idea is that you can keep your...

Smiling Cigar Guy? Smiling Cigar Guy!

Oct 7, 2010
On tomorrow's show, we talk to the good folks at the indispensable Know Your Meme site about the phenomenon of Smiling Cigar Guy. ...

Facebook event today

Oct 6, 2010
According to Tech Crunch, a redesign of the page layouts is at least part of what's going on. From the screen shots they show it doesn't look like...

For public good, not for profit.

Foursquare goes down for 15 hours

Oct 5, 2010
You may have noticed the world plunged into chaos and all governments collapsed because for 15 hours, NO ONE KNEW WHERE ANYONE ELSE WAS. Fake...

Facebook movie #1 at box office

Oct 4, 2010
It brought in 23 million. The conversation around the movie in tech circles has been kind of interesting. It was reported that Mark Zuckerberg had...

Twitter + photography = art

Sep 30, 2010
Artists Nate Larson and Marni Shindelman take location data from Twitter tweets, go to the place where the tweet originated and photograph it, and...