Obama: "Dumb" red tape for business must go

Jan 18, 2011
President Obama has ordered a review of regulations that might stifle economic growth. He wants to remove federal rules that are outdated, unnecessary, and "just plain dumb." But for small businesses, state and local regulations can be a big chill on hiring and growth.

The power of the online product review

Jan 18, 2011
Today, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission soft-launches its new online product database, which list product recalls and complaints about safety and health hazards. The content will be provided by consumers. Sally Herships looks into what this might mean for business owners.

Small businesses expand to overseas markets

Jan 14, 2011
President Obama wants to double U.S. exports over the next five years, and one key to that is the U.S. Export-Import Bank. The agency is now focusing on small business, getting owners involved in overseas markets. Eve Troeh reports.

Building success the old-fashioned way

Dec 29, 2010
It's hard to think you can do business without e-mail or hedge funds, but Economy 4.0's David Brancaccio found a businessman who is doing just that -- and his business is growing.

Juarez businessmen find peace of mind across the border

Dec 3, 2010
Several Juarez businessmen have moved their businesses across the border to El Paso, Texas, to escape the drug violence. Reporter Monica Ortiz Uribe takes a look at a what benefits and challenges the business owners have.

Lack of unemployment funding could hurt local businesses

Dec 1, 2010
Funding for unemployment benefits officially runs out today, although Democrats are pushing for a $12 billion extension. In the meantime, the two million long-term unemployed could find themselves cutting back drastically, and this could affect local businesses in a big way.

Small businesses see benefits in going green

Dec 1, 2010
While the U.N. summit in Cancun undertakes big environmental initiatives, some small businesses are already taking up the green cause. What they're discovering is that beyond the environmental factors, going green is helping out their bottom line, too.

For public good, not for profit.

MID-DAY UPDATE: Unemployment and genetically-modified food

Nov 30, 2010
The two million long-term unemployed could find themselves cutting back drastically if unemployment benefits ends today, and this could affect...

Republicans want to repeal health reform's contract reporting requirement

Nov 26, 2010
The health reform law requires that businesses report to the IRS every contract worth more than $600. Business, Republicans and even the president think that the requirement takes up too much time and money from businesses.

Internet rating sites move in on Better Business Bureau

Nov 25, 2010
The Better Business Bureau was considered a reliable source on everything from bars to gas stations. But the non-profit's reputation recently took hit when it was accused of using a pay-for-play system. Now competitors like Yelp are gaining traction. David Gura explains what went wrong.