Tesco's coming to town

Jan 31, 2007
The British retailer is the world's fifth largest and it's opening its first U.S. store later this year under the name Fresh and Easy. Jeff Tyler has details.

Debit overdraft fees hit record high

Jan 25, 2007
Researchers say banks used to reject debit and ATM overdrafts and they have the technology to warn you, but they're intentionally zapping debit-card customers because people are writing — and bouncing — fewer and fewer checks.

Sunshine State to benefit from citrus freeze

Jan 17, 2007
The dark cloud of freezing temperatures that has devastated California's citrus crops has a silver lining — for Florida. Dan Grech reports.

Netflix delivers to your PC

Jan 16, 2007
No need to wait for the mail to get the next DVD on your queue. Netflix will soon begin offering film downloads online — but there are limits to the new service. Nancy Marshall Genzer has details.

Banks want you!

Jan 15, 2007
Keep your old customers close, but your new customers closer. Banks are rolling out the perks to get you to switch alliances. Lisa Napoli reports.

For retailers, it was a holiday season after all

Jan 12, 2007
Despite the usual concerns about consumer spending voiced before the holidays, the Commerce Department reported today that retail sales rose in December — to the highest level in five months. Alisa Roth has more.

From cell-phone TVs to talking thermometers

Jan 11, 2007
Our Bob Moon was among the thousands roaming the massive 2007 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week. Bob searched out the more interesting gadgets and talked to the people showing them off.

For public good, not for profit.

Flat gadgets, flat profits

Jan 11, 2007
Consumers keep buying bigger, better flat-panel TVs and sleeker, skinnier mobile phones — but electronics makers aren't seeing fat profits. Amy Scott reports.

Feeding on myths, stories and image

Jan 9, 2007
Author Barry Glassner says for many Americans it's not "You are what you eat," it's "You eat what you think you are." He talks with Kai Ryssdal about his new book, "The Gospel of Food."

Gap goes shopping for a buyer

Jan 9, 2007
Private equity could soon get the chance to try on Gap apparel. The retail heavyweight has reportedly hired Goldman Sachs to explore its sale. Dan Grech has the story.