Quotas are just one hurdle refugees face

Sep 10, 2015
What are the steps to join the resettlement program?

The cost of misery: migrants in Europe

Sep 9, 2015
Accepting refugees isn't much of an economic threat.

Taking in refugees has costs — and potential benefits

Sep 8, 2015
German workforce is shrinking as the population ages. Educated refugees can help.

Austria and Germany allowing refugees and migrants in

Sep 7, 2015
Austria said it planned to end emergency measures, such as random border checks, that have left thousands of refugees stranded in Hungary.

The US is facing more pressure to take in refugees

Sep 4, 2015
Resettlement is a long process.

The UK is under pressure to take more refugees

Sep 3, 2015
Cameron has been firmly refusing to open the doors wider, but that might change.

For public good, not for profit.

The global refugee crisis is the worst since WWII

Sep 3, 2015
Only 1 percent of refugees worldwide end up formally resettled.

Migrants vs. refugees, in economic terms

Sep 2, 2015
It's 'the difference between push and pull.'

One woman's journey from Syria to Sweden

Sep 2, 2015
Listen to Nour Ammar's story as she travels the road to asylum.