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Dec 16, 2010
In a move that should frighten nobody in the world because it's completely harmless and you should all just calm down, Facebook will start rolling...

Government needs a warrant to get at emails

Dec 15, 2010
A ruling by the 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday mandated that the government will need to get a warrant based on probable cause in order...

McDonalds McHacked

Dec 14, 2010
McDonalds says its customer database was hacked. Information on participants in various promotions, ages, contact info. But, McDonalds says, no...

Google Chrome's New Network Computer

Dec 8, 2010
What does a computer look like when you no longer need to buy software to run it - or a hard drive to store your data? Google is offering a glimp...

Today's phrase to freak you out: history sniffing

Dec 6, 2010
Lawsuits are being brought as dozens of websites are found to have been engaged in the practice of "history sniffing". This is when you visit a...

Guess what, hackers? You've been CLARKSONED!

Dec 3, 2010
I still can't quite wrap my head around this story. It sounds like a story pitch that was rejected in favor of From Justin to Kelly. But it's REAL....

OMG! You've fallen for a Facebook hoax!

Nov 29, 2010
The security firm Sophos has issued a warning to Facebook users that another scam is on the loose. If you see a link that says "OMG OMG OMG... I...

For public good, not for profit.

China was behind Google attacks, say Wikileaks leaks

Nov 29, 2010
251,287 US diplomatic cables were leaked in the latest round of Wikileaks documents and some of them point to China's politburo as being behind...

Facebook security FAQ in light of new messaging program

Nov 16, 2010
The security firm Sophos has published an FAQ on security issues presented by Facebook's new and weirdly still unnamed messaging system....

Websites ditch cookies

Nov 9, 2010
The Wall Street Journal reports on the move of major websites to get rid of technologies that track users, like cookies. MSNBC, The Huffington Post...