Why did the outdoor economy suffer in 2020 when more of us were outside?

Nov 11, 2021
Lockdowns, public lands closures, supply chain disruptions and travel restrictions took a toll. But many outdoor retailers still had a great year.
More Americans got out and about biking, fishing and hiking amid COVID-19 in 2020. Above, a bike shop owner repairs a tire in Brooklyn.
Michael M. Santiago via Getty Images

For this fly-fishing outfitter, demand is outpacing supply

Feb 26, 2021
Has fly fishing become too popular during the pandemic? A Georgia outfitter shares his story about keeping up with demand.
People "go fishing a lot more than they used to," says Gary Merriman, who owns a fly-fishing store. "Everybody wants to be outside."
Ben Stansall/AFP via Getty Images

2019 was a good year for the outdoor economy. What about 2020?

Nov 13, 2020
Businesses that sell outdoor gear, from bikes to kayaks, have been doing well in the pandemic, but other parts of the outdoor recreation economy have struggled.
Kayakers paddle their way along Barton Creek in Austin, Texas, in May. The outdoor economy made up just over 2% of GDP in 2019.
Tom Pennington/Getty Images

The outdoor economy is shifting the way we think about spending time outside

Nov 23, 2018
This sector of the U.S. economy is using its financial power to address the threat to public lands and to increase participation outdoors.
Hiking is one of the many activities included in the outdoor economy.
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