Hacker storefront freaks people out

Jan 24, 2011
There are some screen shots going around about a supposed storefront where you can buy hacked access to a whole host of .gov, .mil, and .edu sites....

Reapers in action, or at least simulated action

Jan 14, 2011
Our show on Tuesday is all about the global arms race to build faster, more powerful, more nimble, deadlier UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles). We...

PHOTO: China's first stealth fighter jet

Jan 5, 2011
China's state media published pictures Wednesday that appear to show a prototype of the country's first stealth fighter jet....

Air Force bans not just Wikileaks.org but the New York Times as well

Dec 15, 2010
And Der Spiegel and Le Monde and The Guardian and any other news outlet that published information from Wikileaks. When Air Force personnel try to...

For public good, not for profit.

Soldiers prefer Android

Nov 1, 2010
For the last 20 years, the US military has been trying to build a new custom communications gadget system for soldiers in the field. It's cost half...

Known and Unknown Tweets

Oct 20, 2010
He once said "I don't do quagmires," but he does do Twitter. Beginning this morning you too can follow the former defense secretary ...

Biblical clue in Stuxnet worm?

Sep 30, 2010
We talked this week about the Stuxnet computer worm. It's a bit of malware that attacks infrastructure system controls as opposed to electronic...