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Utah introduces white-collar crime registry

Mar 28, 2016
Why was the online database created, and how effective will it be?
Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes in Salt Lake City, Utah (2014). Reyes says that the state's new "White Collar Crime Offender Registry" will aim to help consumers avoid financial predators. 
George Frey/Getty Images

Should law schools pay if students don't get jobs?

Jul 29, 2015
Tuition and debt keep rising. Grads from non-elite schools face a weak market.

Jodi Arias trial is a big revenue generator for media

May 2, 2013
The high-profile prosecution of a Phoenix-area woman has cost taxpayers nearly $1.7 million in legal fees. But local and national media outlets have seen a ratings boost due to the coverage.

Is law school worth the price?

Apr 19, 2013
For Trevor Morrison, about to become dean of top-tier NYU Law, it's worth the price of admission. (That's $51,500 a year, by the way).

Sequester may slow federal court proceedings

Mar 27, 2013
The public lawyers who defend the nation's poor in federal court worry sequester cuts could slow the wheels of justice.
The public lawyers who defend the nation's poor in federal court worry sequester cuts could slow the wheels of justice.
Bruno Vincent/Getty Images

Lawyers' emails reveal the obvious: Attorneys' overcharge

Mar 26, 2013
Call it "churning," or "feather bedding." A suit against the world's largest law firm reveals blatant efforts to juice up legal bills.

Roadkill: Not the best way to get dinner

Mar 22, 2013
Montana legislators debate whether drivers who hit large game like deer should be allowed to take the carcass home. But there's not much edible meat on an animal hit full speed.

For public good, not for profit.

Federal government takes on domestic drone legislation

Mar 22, 2013
This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee has been looking into the use of drones in America and how they might affect privacy. The federal government is working on new rules that could expand permits for drones in the coming years.

Should cops be able to read all your old text messages?

Mar 20, 2013
When you send a text message or an email, should your Internet or phone company hang onto them in case the police ever want to take a look?

The CALM Act: No more loud commercials

Dec 13, 2012
Advertisers who turned up the volume to catch the attention of television watchers finally annoyed enough people that Congress outlawed the ploy.