Pension funds are filling up

Jan 23, 2007
Analysis shows that the nation's 100 largest companies have set aside more than enough money to take care of their pension obligations. That's a big change from just a few years ago. John Dimsdale reports.

Generics are a bitter pill for Pfizer

Jan 22, 2007
The world's biggest drugmaker says it will lay off 10,000 jobs — about 10% of its workforce — due to threats to its sales from generic drugs. Stephen Beard reports.

Pfizer, heal thyself

Jan 22, 2007
The world's largest drug maker could face anemic revenues in '07 and the prescription to cure that unhealthy financial outlook is expected to include some 10,000 job cuts. Hillary Wicai reports.

Day in the Work Life: Bend it like. . . a chiropractor

Jan 19, 2007
On this week's 'A Day In the Work Life,' our regular look at how folks trade time for money, we stretch a tale with a back-bender.

CEOs worth every million

Jan 19, 2007
All those corporate scandals and years of relatively stagnant wages for the middle class and working poor have left a whole lot of folks angry over skyrocketing CEO pay. Edward Carr says it's just market forces at work.

Women don't stay on engineering track

Jan 18, 2007
A British study out today found that the number of women engineering students is up — but not the number of women working as engineers. Janet Babin reports.

U.S. census: Single women outnumber married

Jan 16, 2007
More women now live without a spouse than with one, according to The New York Times. Amy Scott reports that the demographic shift could change how we think about everything from healthcare to the school day.

For public good, not for profit.

Dealing with employee burnout

Jan 16, 2007
Job stress costs employers $300 billion a year — but how do you keep workers from hitting the burnout point? Apryl Lundsten looks at how emergency call centers help their operators cope.

Oreck departure will leave Gulf Coast vacuum

Jan 15, 2007
Oreck Corp., maker of vacuum cleaners, is closing its Long Beach, Miss., plant and moving to Tennessee. And that's got a lot of people mad.Company President Tom Oreck talked with host Tess Vigeland about the decision.
David Oreck with a vacuum cleaner

Solidarity union starts campaign in U.K.

Jan 15, 2007
Solidarity, the labor union that helped topple Poland's Communist regime 17 years ago, has launched a campaign to stop the exploitation of migrant Polish workers in Britain. Stephen Beard reports.