How migration altered the economy of this Colombian town

May 15, 2024
Necoclí, Colombia, is a key stop on the migratory route to the U.S. Traditionally dependent on tourism, its economy has shifted to serve migrants.
Migrants' tents line a beach in Necoclí, Colombia. It's a key staging post on their journey north to the U.S.
Catherine Ellis/BBC

Biden adminstration rule will give DACA recipients access to federal health insurance for the first time

May 6, 2024
It’s part of the administration’s stated intention to improve health care coverage for immigrant groups overall.
The rule was first announced a year ago and will give DACA recipients access to Obamacare exchanges.
shapecharge/Getty Images

While El Salvador is turning around its reputation for crime, its economy still struggles

Apr 23, 2024
El Savador's President Nayib Bukele took on gang violence by introducing a state of emergency in 2022. The country is now safer, but its economy is struggling to grow.
Above, people buy vegetables in a market in in San Salvador, El Salvador, in October.
Aphotografia/Getty Images

Could migrants be the answer to New York's restaurant labor shortage?

Apr 19, 2024
Hospitality businesses say they want working visas for migrants to be fast-tracked as they struggle to fill job vacancies.
Hundreds of asylum seekers lined up outside the Jacob K. Javits Federal Building in New York City in June. Restaurants want to put them to work.
David Dee Delgado/Getty Images

How immigrant entrepreneurs help create jobs and boost the economy

Immigrants are much more likely to create a new business, studies show, and the knock-on effect is job creation.
"Immigrant entrepreneurs in the U.S. are associated with a net gain in jobs. Specifically, they're responsible for roughly one in four of all jobs in young firms," said Marketplace senior economics contributor Chris Farrell.
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

More immigration means gains for U.S. economy, CBO says

The agency's estimates that immigrants will add $7 trillion to gross domestic product over the next decade.
Immigrants have filled jobs that employers had struggled to find workers for, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images

Baltimore bridge victims were immigrants in riskier, hard-to fill jobs

Mar 27, 2024
Mexican and Central American workers have been the lifeblood of the Baltimore economy, but they're also part of the "lowerarchy."
"Unfortunately, even when they're in the middle of the night, working the graveyard shift in the middle of a flimsy bridge, that represents a future for them and that represents opportunity for them," says George Escobar of CASA about immigrant workers.
Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Proposed appropriations bill would practically double the size of the Border Patrol

Mar 22, 2024
Congress failed to pass comprehensive immigration reform, so it's using the appropriations bill to bulk up the Department of Homeland Security.
The $1.2 trillion spending package to be voted on by the House on Friday includes funds to hire 22,000 more Border Patrol agents.
Suzanne Cordeiro/AFP via Getty Images

Recent immigrants have filled labor gaps, boosted job creation, experts say

Mar 15, 2024
There has been a wave of migration to the U.S. — legal and not — since 2022. Many who entered are finding and keeping jobs.
In 2022 and 2023, 5.9 million people migrated to the U.S., according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images

New H1-B visa rules give workers more autonomy

Mar 8, 2024
It’s H-1B season, which means U.S. companies are once again competing for a limited number of spots— 85,000 — in a visa lottery. Registration opened this week after the federal government revamped the application process.
Workers with H1-B visas "have a lot more more negotiating power," said immigration attorney Ummehani Ismail.
adrian825/Getty Images