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Why IBM is paying $1.5 billion to lose a business

Oct 20, 2014
By paying to split off its chipmaking arm, IBM may actually be getting a deal.

IBM will no longer make its own chips

Oct 20, 2014
IBM is paying $1.5 billion to GlobalFoundries Inc. to take over its the division.

Stock buybacks could be good for investors

Oct 8, 2014
Critics have sounded alarms that companies are pumping up their stock price.

Want to help your company's stock? Buy shares back

Sep 16, 2014
Kai talks to Dan Strumpf from The Wall Street Journal.

The first smartphone turns 20

Aug 18, 2014
Looking back at the phone that was 2 decades ahead of its time.

Apple-IBM deal shakes up workplace tech

Jul 16, 2014
The former rivals' alliance could undermine competitors like Google and Blackberry.

For public good, not for profit.

Apple and IBM: from flipping the bird to partnership

Jul 16, 2014
Why the two rivals have decided to play nice.

Would you eat computer food? Because Watson's cooking

Jul 1, 2014
Supercomputer Watson is now programmed to create recipes. Weird, maybe tasty ones.

IBM’s Watson, for a billion: 'How am I about to start making tons of dough?'

Jan 9, 2014
The program hasn’t made much since winning Jeopardy, but the company says that’s about to change.