U.S. housing a drag on U.K. bank

Mar 5, 2007
HSBC, the U.K.'s largest bank, managed to post a 5 percent second-half profit in spite of $11 billion in losses due to sub-prime loans gone bad in the States.

Not the happiest place on Earth

Feb 27, 2007
Disneyland is suing its hometown of Anaheim, Calif. The park wants to make sure no new housing goes up within two miles of its front door. Pat Loeb reports.

Off-campus real estate still booming

Feb 27, 2007
Even as the housing market continues its slide, depleted university budgets and an upward trend in student enrollment have built a profitable little investment pocket in some college towns.

Les Rosbifs

Feb 26, 2007
Eleanor Beardsley checks in with a story about creative French realtors who have figured out a new way to lure Brits across the Channel.

Housing hasn't hit bottom yet

Feb 22, 2007
Economics correspondent Chris Farrell says low long-term interest rates are propping up the housing market — for now. But when rates ratchet up, the market still has plenty of room to fall.

No good signs for housing market

Feb 16, 2007
New-home construction plunged 14% last month. Residential building is at a 10-year low. And January housing starts are down 38% over last year. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports on the housing market's search for the bottom.

Still not resolved: Iraq war funding

Feb 16, 2007
The House has voted in opposition to President Bush's Iraq war plans, ending three days of speeches. Left unsaid, but not forgotten, was how to pay for the extra troops the president wants to deploy. Eric Niiler reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Risky home loans off the market

Feb 14, 2007
A major lender has announced it's going to stop making risky loans that help financially-stretched homebuyers pull together a down payment. That's likely to further weaken demand in the slumping housing market.

Scam alert: Struggling homeowners beware

Feb 9, 2007
Con artists have found a new way to prey on nervous homeowners in danger of losing their properties. It's called a foreclosure release scam, and there are some sure danger signs to look for.

Mortgage failures starting to mount

Feb 8, 2007
British banking giant HSBC is facing bad-debt charges of more than $10 billion — worse than analysts expected. The company blames U.S. mortgage holders who aren't making payments. As Alisa Roth reports, HSBC's not the only one in trouble.