Insurance exchanges get the PR treatment

Oct 5, 2012
The federal government has signed on with an ad agency for a $3 million campaign to promote insurance exchanges.

Pick-your-policy health care

Sep 27, 2012
Instead of offering policies to choose from, some big employers will be offering workers a lump sum and letting them shop for their own health care.

Aetna to buy Coventry Health Care for over $5.5 billion

Aug 20, 2012
Shares of the insurance giant Aetna are looking awfully healthy this morning. Acquiring another insurer is likely providing a bit of a shot in the arm. It's the latest in a stream of health insurance mergers we've been charting -- many of them happening for the same reasons.

WellPoint gears up for Medicaid bonanza

Jul 9, 2012
The giant health insurer will acquire competitor Amerigroup Corp. for nearly $5 billion in a bid for more Medicaid business.

U.S. head of Cigna on the health care decision

Jun 29, 2012
U.S. health insurance companies put in a tremendous amount of work for a health reform law that could have been vaporized. We speak to Matt Manders, U.S. head of Cigna, one of the country's biggest insurers, on the Supreme Court ruling.

For Americans insured by employers, not much will change

Jun 29, 2012
If you are among the vast majority of Americans insured through your employer, the high court decision on health care probably won't change much.

Will health care law spur entrepreneurs?

Jun 29, 2012
Some say cheaper insurance could help startup owners focus on business.

For public good, not for profit.

UnitedHealth to adopt reform provisions, set insurance standard

Jun 11, 2012
UnitedHealth will adopt some parts of the Affordable Care Act regardless of what happens in the U.S. Supreme Court in the coming weeks. The insurer will continue to cover children up to age 26 and offer free preventive health care services.

Gambling on cancer treatments

Apr 9, 2012
A new study shows that cancer patients prefer riskier approaches with very low odds of success , over more successful ones that wouldn't extend their lives as long.

Health insurance industry keeping close eye on proceedings

Mar 26, 2012
The health insurance industry had supported the health care reform bill, but if the Supreme Court decides to get rid of the individual mandate, that could cause a lot of trouble for the industry.
Registered nurse Steve Van Dyke checks patient Mildred Herman's medication while on a home health care visit on March 23, 2012 in Denver, Colo.
John Moore/Getty Images