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Bono Mack to introduce hacking transparency bill

Jun 14, 2011
In light of all the attacks on corporate sites in recent months, Rep. Mary Bono Mack (R - Calif.) is circulating a draft of bill that would require...

Citibank hack might mean big changes for banks

Jun 10, 2011
Thursday, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp's head Sheila Bair said she might require "banks to strengthen their authentication when a customer logs...

Citigroup the latest to be hacked

Jun 9, 2011
I wonder if there's a big wheel somewhere that the hackers spin and whoever it lands on is the one to get hacked. One day it'll be Hostess snack...

A token effort to address hacking

Jun 7, 2011
The recent hack into the huge defense contractor Lockheed Martin was accomplished using compromised security tokens from a company called RSA...

Sony's swiss cheese security

Jun 7, 2011
The new hackers on the block, Lulz Security, said Monday they hacked Sony again. It reminds me of my junior high basketball game - the score was,...

Another Sony hack. Come on, you guys!

Jun 3, 2011
The beleaguered Sony had another security breach Thursday. The group that compromised Sony's network calls itself LulzSec. According to Reuters,...

F.B.I. will investigate Google hack

Jun 3, 2011
On Thursday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the F.B.I. would launch an investigation on whether China was behind the Gmail hack....

For public good, not for profit.

Here's a new word to scare you: Faceniff

Jun 2, 2011
Funny word, scary possibilities. It's an Android app that lets users intercept web sessions on wi-fi networks, steal credentials of people using...

Sony and Epsilon to testify

May 31, 2011
The two companies will be on Capitol Hill on Thursday, testifying about the massive hacks to their databases of customer information. They'll be...

Weekend hacking news

May 31, 2011
You went to a barbecue, maybe. Perhaps did some yard work. But hackers? They hack. There was an attack on the PBS site over the weekend that...