After Brexit, some investors seek safe havens

Jun 27, 2016
But most remain on the sidelines, sitting out the turmoil in the markets
The Canary Wharf finance district of London, encompassing the offices of HSBC, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Barclays, and other global banking corporations, is pictured from Greenwich park in south-east London on June 26, 2016. 

Gold prices are starting to rebound, but why?

May 12, 2016
Demand for gold is up 21 percent over the same time last year.
Gold prices are rising again.

There are hidden treasures in our sewage sludge

Apr 8, 2016
Millions of dollars worth of valuable metals end up being flushed down the drain, some coming from our own bodies.
Gold bars.

Overstock has employees stocked for the End of Days

Nov 16, 2015 has a food supply for employees in the event of apocalypse.

Why the gold standard is hardly the gold standard

Nov 11, 2015
The idea plays well with some Republican politicians, but not with most economists.

Why gold is losing its luster for investors

Jul 21, 2015
Gold is in the tank. Why? Because people simply aren't afraid anymore.

Europeans take refuge in gold

Jun 29, 2015
Greece's financial situation has helped drive up demand.

For public good, not for profit.

The long arms of a U.S. law reach Congo

Dec 11, 2014
Most of the miners in Congo are self-employed, equipped with a spade and a dream.

It won't be easy for ISIS to create its own currency

Nov 14, 2014
Establishing a gold-and-silver system creates problems in a modern global economy.