Has the debt crisis spread to Germany?

Nov 23, 2011
A disastrous bond sale creates fears of European contagion spreading to Germany today.

German bonds auction flop raises alarm

Nov 23, 2011
Muted interest in German 10-year bonds at an auction today raised feared that investors are getting jittery even over the eurozone's strongest economy.

Merkel: To get through crisis, more Europe needed

Nov 14, 2011
Economist Julia Coronado discusses the difficult situation Europe is in right now and what German Chancellor Angela Merkel wants to happen.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrives to speak to delegates on the first day of the 24th CDU Party Congress in Leipzig, Germany.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Germany should tap European Central Bank, critics say

Nov 14, 2011
Germany is the biggest economy in Europe and is picking up a the largest portion of the Euro crisis tab, but some critics say it should do more.

Mid-day Extra: Oktoberfest on a budget

Oct 4, 2011
This year's Oktoberfest had significantly higher prices as a result of the global financial downturn.

Why Germany wants to help Greece

Sep 27, 2011
This final note today, which comes with the observation that German chancellor Angela Merkel met with her Greek counterpart Prime Minister George...

Germans Doomed

Sep 1, 2011
Germans may not be able to buy the new Samsung Galaxy tablet because of copyright litigation with Apple, but they can finally play the video game...

For public good, not for profit.

Germany asks Facebook to back off

Aug 4, 2011
A German regulator has asked Facebook to disable its photo tagging software, warning it could violate European privacy laws. The New York Times...

Google gives up on Street View in Germany

Apr 11, 2011
Most of Europe has been pretty litigious with Google in regard to the Street View service. But Germany has arguably been the most quarrelsome,...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Gaddafi's gold supply, UAW meets, oil prices back up

Mar 22, 2011
Here are some of the headlines from the Marketplace Morning Report and around the web. Germany is calling for the European Union to impose a fu...