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What to expect from gas prices in the short term

Jun 6, 2012
Gas prices may be a bit of bright spot in a dark and stormy world economy.

Why are gas prices falling?

May 8, 2012
Analyst Juli Niemann discusses the latest with gas prices and whether we can expect a rise in prices during the summer driving season.

'We need to pretend we're not interested in gas'

Apr 27, 2012
Commentator Rex Huppke says if we all act like gas is passé, we can concentrate on more important things -- like jet packs.

Gas prices inch down, but for how long?

Apr 19, 2012
They always seem to come down slower than they went up, but gasoline prices are beginning to ease -- there could be more relief in sight.

Delay in EPA gas rules may hurt cars

Mar 20, 2012
A reported delay in cleaner fuels could harm the new engines designed to burn it.

For public good, not for profit.

How gas prices are affecting Americans

Mar 8, 2012
According to the latest Gallup data, Americans could withstand over $5 a gallon for gasoline before they had to significantly change their buying habits.

Gas prices drop slightly, but could still rise

Mar 6, 2012
The national average for a gallon of gasoline dipped today after about a month of steady increases. At the same time, tension with Iran could push those back up.

Could gas really drop to $2.50 a gallon?

Feb 27, 2012
Over the weekend Newt Gingrich stumped in front of signs that promised gas at $2 .50 a gallon. Is such a world even possible today?