Chief economist of Fannie Mae says three more years until recovery

Sep 11, 2013
Douglas Duncan says the economy today is “improving but it's not robust."

What will mortgages look like after Fannie and Freddie?

Aug 23, 2013
The government is trying to wind down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which could really change the mortgage picture out there. What can we expect to see if the government-backed companies go private or have a diminished role?

Farewell, Fannie and Freddie? How a privatized mortgage industry affects you

Aug 9, 2013
Congress's proposed plans to phase out government-backed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will almost certainly mean higher mortgage rates for consumers.

Freddie Mac is in the money

Aug 7, 2013
The government-backed mortgage lender just posted its second largest profit in history.
The Freddie Mac offices on August 11, 2010, in McLean, Virginia

Can you buy a house without Fannie Mae?

Aug 6, 2013
President Obama proposes phasing out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to shift mortgage-market risk from taxpayers to private banks

The end of Fannie and Freddie?

Aug 5, 2013
There's a proposal in Congress to let the taxpayer-backed mortgage giants die, and Marketplace's economics guy says we should all get behind it.

Our debt limit problems are over, right?

May 10, 2013
Fannie Mae's paying $50 billion in dividends, so between that and the sequester, are our debt limit problems over?

For public good, not for profit.

Record profits! Is Fannie Mae out of the woods?

Apr 2, 2013
After losing $166 billion in four years, Fannie Mae reported a $17 billion profit for 2012 -- a record.

Fannie and Freddie to launch joint securities venture

Mar 5, 2013
The regulator overseeing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has announced an idea to reform the mortgage giants. It involves starting a joint venture to bundle mortgages into securities that people can invest in.

Fannie, Freddie to let some underwater homeowners walk away

Feb 1, 2013
Mortgage heavyweights Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have announced a bailout program for struggling homeowners who are current on their payments. If there's a pressing need to leave their property, they can just walk away.