Suction on Leith: The EU bans high-power vacuums

Aug 29, 2014
Starting September first, companies in the European Union can't make or import vacuums that generate more than 1600 watts of power. Lizzie O’Leary speaks with vacuum shop owner Patricia Ware.

Greece takes over as EU president

Jan 1, 2014
Greece takes over as president of the European Union today. Marketplace host, David Gura talks to the BBC's Mark Lowen in Athens about what the country's tenure could look like.

Ukraine: Protests in cities, outrage in villages

Dec 24, 2013
This past weekend, somewhere near 100,000 demonstrators took to the streets of the capital city, Kiev.

Compared to its neighbors, more job prospects for youth in Germany

Dec 17, 2013
Youth unemployment sits at almost 24 percent across the EU. But in Germany, it's less than 8 percent.

Ukraine decides between east and west

Nov 29, 2013
As Ukraine ponders its economic future, both the EU and Russia are courting its economic power.

For public good, not for profit.

Britain refuses to join in European treaty changes

Dec 9, 2011
An agreement among almost all of the European Union members was made in Brussels today, but Britain has decided to stay out of the plan, and insists that official EU institutions do as well.

Why does the EU want U.S. dollars?

Dec 2, 2011
Marketplace Money Senior Producer Paddy Hirsch explains why Europe needs dollars instead of euros as the EU tries to sort out its financial problems.
Europe needs U.S. dollars. Marketplace Money Senior Producer Paddy Hirsch tells us why in our latest Whiteboard explainer.
Angela Kim/Marketplace

Samsung appeals European ban

Aug 15, 2011
Well, speaking of patents and technology and lawsuits and devices, let's check in with Europe. That's where Samsung really wants to sell its...