What's a Schedule II narcotic?

Oct 25, 2013
Painkillers are some of the most abused drugs on the market. The FDA has been looking for ways to stem that abuse.

FDA wants tighter restrictions on hydrocodone

Oct 25, 2013
The FDA recommends making hydrocodone a Schedule II narcotic, like its more powerful relative, oxycodone.

Can you find bail bondsman on Silk Road?

Oct 9, 2013
There is a bail hearing Wednesday for the alleged mastermind behind the website Silk Road, where users could buy drugs, guns, and even hitmen.

Silk Road hits a big bump along the way

Oct 3, 2013
The FBI has shut down Silk Road, the online anonymous black market.

Heroin use on the rise in rural areas

Sep 2, 2013
The number of first-time heroin users in the U.S. is on the rise, and overall, heroin use went up 66 percent in 2011.

Cancer drugs are big money for big pharma

Aug 26, 2013
Amgen and AstraZeneca have both snapped up smaller firms that make cancer drugs.

The economics behind a drug sentencing overhaul

Aug 12, 2013
Attorney General Eric Holder seeks to scale back the use of mandatory minimum prison sentences for certain drug-related crimes.

For public good, not for profit.

Why the market won't supply lethal injection drugs to Texas

Aug 2, 2013
Texas and other states face shortages of drugs used in execution. But that demand isn't yielding a new supply.

How much will Ryan Braun's suspension cost the Brewers?

Jul 23, 2013
The Milwaukee Brewers are losing their star outfielder Ryan Braun for the rest of the season. He's agreed to a suspension without pay for unspecified violations"of baseball's drug program and his contract.

Court says deals to protect drug patents can be challenged

Jun 17, 2013
Makers of patented drugs sometimes pay generic drug makers not to copy their drugs when they go off patent, allowing them to keep charging high prices. The U.S. Supreme Court says the FTC can challenge such deals.