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Why don't we fix our crumbling bridges?

May 24, 2013
Nearly 70,000 bridges across the U.S. are in need of some serious repairs but the political will, and the money, just aren't there.

How to make good decisions? Hint: A pros/cons list won't help

Apr 12, 2013
Most of us are bad at making decisions. And that's because we tend to limit our options, according to Chip & Dan Heath, brothers and co-authors of "Decisive: How To Make Better Choices in Life and Work."

How colors and music influence your decisions

Mar 25, 2013
A new book explores how our environment -- everything from colors to music to weather -- affects our decision-making.

Introducing 'Freakonomics Experiments'

Jan 23, 2013
Steve Levitt has a novel idea for helping people make tough decisions.

Untangling whole and term-life insurance

Feb 10, 2012
Senior Producer Paddy Hirsch and CBS MoneyWatch's Jill Schlesinger break down the different types of life insurance.