Stories Tagged as
Congressional budget
Amtrak wants $3.6 billion in subsidies. It probably won't get all of that
Henry Epp
Mar 31, 2023
It's asking for 50% more funding than it received for the current fiscal year.
The federal budget, explained
Kimberly Adams
and Ben Hethcoat
Jul 31, 2017
Here's why there's always (always) so much drama.
The Congressional Budget Office: staying above the fray
May 19, 2015
New CBO head Keith Hall has the tough job of keeping politics out of the agency.
The sequester's not-so-stringent budget cap
Mar 25, 2015
The Budget Control Act of 2011 is supposed to cap government spending.
Why D.C. is up in arms about derivatives ... again
Stan Alcorn
Dec 11, 2014
On the spending bill chopping block: A section of the Dodd-Frank Regulatory Reform bill. So what does it do exactly?