Federal Trade Commission investigating privacy in kids' apps

Dec 10, 2012
The FTC is concerned about the data being collected through the mobile apps kids play with.

Weighing the true cost of childcare

Oct 10, 2012
With childcare costs on the rise, it may be more affordable for some parents to stay home with the kids. But there are hidden costs.

Which US cities spoil their children: are we spending too much on our kids?

Aug 30, 2012
NYC, you are the worst offender. In Wisconsin, on the other hand, kids apparently get by in hand-me-downs, playing with discarded pieces of string.

Your child, in dollars and cents

Aug 24, 2012
There's no way to estimate the returns on a hug from your son or an afternoon of baking cookies with your brood, but the USDA was able to estimate how much a child takes out of your bank account.

Finding your dream babysitter

Aug 24, 2012
The search for your soulmate and the perfect babysitter have some surprising parallels.

Secondhand shopping for baby

Aug 24, 2012
A stroller, a crib, clothes for a kid who may not be the same size next week are among the many items parents need to purchase for their new baby. Buying secondhand can be easier on the wallet. Learn what is safe -- and unsafe -- to buy secondhand for junior.

A richer life with no kids

Aug 24, 2012
A married man in his forties reflects on his choice to not have children.

For public good, not for profit.

Websites accused of collecting kids' online data

Aug 23, 2012
A group of consumer advocate organization says some big name companies are violating kids' online privacy laws.

Summer camp for young techies

Aug 3, 2012
Throw another app on the campfire. Kids are crowding into computer camps hoping to be the next Steve Jobs.

The cost of raising kids

Jun 15, 2012
Top earners are able to spend more, boosting their children's odds for future success.